
Half-Trainer, Half-Entertainer

Early Childhood TLC is here to make early childhood fun for both children and adults. Consultant, Brandon Williams, is available to deliver a professional development experience your staff will not soon forget.  His “half-trainer, half-entertainer” style is sure to keep the audience’s attention while delivering developmentally appropriate content to early educators.  He is available for workshops, keynotes, and staff development trainings.  Check out the training tab to read more about professional development opportunities available through TLC.    

Brandon Williams_Bio Pic

Brandon Williams has been working in the field of early childhood education for over 10 years in a variety of settings.  He has been a pre-k teacher, college teacher, student teacher supervisor, consultant, and trainer.

As lead teacher for the Motor Development Center at West Virginia University (WVU), Brandon taught play-based classes for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children. He also facilitated class lectures, observed WVU student teachers, and provided feedback for teacher improvement.  As a pre-k teacher, he has taught in both center-based and lab-based programs. 

In 2006, Brandon served as a featured member of the I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) national training team, which was written for the Office of Head Start. He conducted workshop and keynote sessions in all twelve Head Start regions and four national training-of-facilitators events. He also authored the workshop, “Make the Most of Your Music,” which was added to the IMIL training materials in 2010. Over the years, Brandon has conducted over 100 IMIL workshops for Head Start, child care, and pre-k programs across the country.  See a list of trainings and presentations in the training tab. 

From 2010 – 2013, Brandon was “Master Trainer” for Choosy Kids, LLC.  During that time, he provided leadership in training services and the development of music and products. Brandon developed the training module for the “Be Choosy, Be Healthy” Activity Kit in partnership with Lakeshore Learning Materials and is the featured presenter on the kit training DVD. He conducted keynote presentations, conference workshops, and training events on behalf of Choosy Kids nationally and internationally.  Brandon is known for his upbeat, energetic and comedic style of presenting.

Brandon was born and raised in Parkersburg, WV and currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA.  He has a B.A. in Health and Physical Education Teaching and a M.A. in Child Development and Family Studies, both from WVU.  He has been a certified Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observer since 2014.  He offers training and consulting services as the owner of Early Childhood TLC.  Brandon is a certified trainer in the following state registries: WV STARS, OH Approved, and PQAS (Pennsylvania).